Monday, 26 June 2017

Common email providers and server addresses / ports:

List of common email services providers together with their associated IMAP server addresses.

Google Mail (SSL)
outgoing server requires authentication

alternatively (TLS)
outgoing server requires authentication

Yahoo Mail
outgoing server requires authentication

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

How to rename, sort and organise files, based on filename using PowerShell.

The following PowerShell script takes a list of files in a given folder, creates a new folder based on the given filename, and moves the given file, into that fold.

foreach($file in (Get-ChildItem 'x:\vol\movies\renew' | Where {(-not $_.PSIsContainer) -and  (-not $_.PSIsContainer)})) 

{New-Item -Path (Split-Path $file.fullname) -Name (Split-Path $file.fullname -Leaf).ToString().Replace(".avi","") -ItemType Directory

Move-Item -Path $file.fullname -Destination "$(Split-Path $file.fullname)\$((Split-Path $file.fullname -Leaf).ToString().Replace('.avi',''))"}

Friday, 10 March 2017

How to Change Network Profiles with PowerShell?


Change Network Profile Using PowerShell

The three network profiles in Windows 10 are:
  • Private: Computers on a private network can belong to a home group. Network discovery is turned on for private networks, which allows you to see other computers and devices on the network.
  • Public: Designed to keep your computer from being visible to other computers around you and to help protect your computer from any malicious software from the Internet.
  • Domain: It belongs to enterprise network. It’s controlled by network admin and can’t be selected and changed locally.
Change network profile using PowerShell in Windows 10.

1. Open PowerShell and run it as administrator. Then type “Get-NetAdapter” and press enter to see all network adapters.
Windows 10 Network Adapters
Windows 10 Network Adapters
2. To fine the network adapter profiles, type “Get-NetConnectionProfile” and press enter. You can specify the network connection with “-InterfaceAlias” parameter. It show only the exact network connection information.
Public Network Profile
Public Network Profile
The network category is public, so try to change to private network with “Set-NetConnectionProfile” cmdlet.
Note: It’s not possible to change the network adapter category to domain when there is no domain available. It’s only change Private network to public and public to private network using PowerShell. 
3. To change Public network to Private network, simply type “Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -NetworkCategory Private” and press enter.
Change Network Profile Using PowerShell
Change Network Profile Using PowerShell
4. To see the result, type “Get-NetConnectionProfile” or specify the network adapter name with “-InterfaceAlias” parameter.
Change Public Network to Private Network with PowerShell
Change Public Network to Private Network with PowerShell
Good, the public network has been changed to private network successfully. You can do the same to change private network to public.

Monday, 27 February 2017

How to configure network connection using Powershell

Add a new IP Address
New-NetIPAddress –InterfaceAlias “Wired Ethernet Connection” –IPAddress “” –PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway

PS C:\> New-NetIPAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 –IPAddress

PS C:\> Remove-NetIPAddress –IPAddress

PS C:\> Get-NetIPAddress –IPAddress | Remove-NetIPAddress

PS C:\> Remove-NetIPAddress –PrefixOrigin Manual

Fixing Java KVM client error with 'Connection Failed'

Java 8u171 disables the use of the 3DES_EDE_CBC cipher. Solution is to reconfigure Java by editing and removing 3DES_EDE_CBC from the follow...